2011-01-19 RUNNING TESTS Run the test suite from the net-ssh directory with the following command: ruby -Ilib -Itest -rrubygems test/test_all.rb Run a single test file like this: ruby -Ilib -Itest -rrubygems test/transport/test_server_version.rb EXPECTED RESULTS * Ruby 1.9: all tests pass * Ruby 1.8: all tests pass (up until version 2.5) * JRuby 1.7: 98% test pass (510 tests, 1914 assertions, 2 failures, 9 errors) * JRuby 1.6: 98% test pass (510 tests, 1914 assertions, 4 failures, 5 errors) * JRuby 1.5: 98% tests pass (510 tests, 1914 assertions, 5 failures, 5 errors) PORT FORWARDING TESTS ruby -Ilib -Itest -rrubygems test/manual/test_forward.rb test_forward.rb must be run separately from the test suite because it requires authorizing your public SSH keys on you localhost. If you already have keys you can do this: cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys If you don't have keys see: http://kimmo.suominen.com/docs/ssh/#ssh-keygen You should now be able to login to your localhost with out bring prompted for a password: ssh localhost -Delano